My New Waiting Room: Spella Caffè

(Or: A real-life example of a creative resource allocation decision.)

If you’ve been in my office, you already know that it has a great view, but no waiting room, let alone one with a fancy coffee machine.


However, I have the great fortune that some of Portland’s best coffee is being served right at the entrance of my very office building, at Spella Caffè. It’s a small European style coffee bar with extremely friendly staff. Apart from coffee and espresso drinks, they also have truly outstanding chai tea and hot chocolate. If you think I’m biased, you’re probably right, but check out their yelp reviews.

So here’s my new policy: whenever you find yourself a little early for an appointment with me, please get something delicious on my tab.
They know. They’ll take care of you.

by Ursina Teuscher

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