Coaching Tools: Helping Clients Achieve Goals

Workshop for Coaches, Counselors, Therapists on Coaching Tools

Coaching Tools for Couselors

As coaching professionals, a lot of our work involves helping people achieve their goals – whether those goals are related to work, health, relationships, or any other life domain. This workshop will provide you with coaching tools that help with goal achievement, and that are based on research findings in neuroscience and psychology.

In recent years, science has taught us a lot about how we make decisions, how we form and change habits, how we can increase our own will power and self-control, but also what our limits are. All this exciting knowledge can and should inform our coaching methods. In this workshop, I’m excited to share a coaching framework and some of my favorite tools with other coaching professionals (including counselors, therapists, other mental health professionals – anybody who would like to learn more about coaching tools to help others achieve their goals). The methods I assembled are in line with new insights from neuropsychology and decision science. They include very practical tools I wish I had discovered earlier in my own practice.

The full-day format of the workshop includes a lunch break (bring your own lunch or wander to the food carts around the corner) as an intentional opportunity to build relationships with your peers.

The number of participants will be limited to eight people for one workshop.

Your Take-Home Kit

What you’ll get from this workshop:

  • A coaching framework for goal-oriented interventions:
    • goal definition
    • assessment of obstacles
    • experimenting and trouble-shooting
  • Practical coaching tools and exercises to help clients with specific problems, such as:IMG_3771
    • finding motivators, creating visions
    • prioritizing
    • setting up realistic and healthy schedules
    • taking breaks and recharging
    • gaining conscious control over habits and changing them
    • beating procrastination
  • Two workbooks that you can use with your own clients, either as a whole or by picking individual exercises as needed:

522 SW 5th Ave, Conference Room on the 7th Floor
Portland, OR 97204
(Same building as Spella Caffe)

$175 for the full-day workshop, including books.
