The Power of Decision Tables

Have you ever used “pros and cons” lists to help you make difficult decisions? After reading this post, I hope you’ll give up those lists in favor of a much more powerful thinking tool: the decision table.

Upcoming Workshop: Business Vision

Workshop: Business VisionMy next workshop is targeted to small business owners, solo-preneurs, people in private practice, or those interested in starting a business. It will be an intensive session to hone your business vision and mission.

The workshop is limited to a small number of participants to allow for a very personalized and interactive approach.

“You Are on the Fastest Route”

Did you notice? According to the encouraging GPS voice, you are always “on the fastest route”.

It’s true though: as long as you know where to go next, none of the past detours, U-turns, or missed exits, change the fact that you are,

Mission, Vision and Values

Do you know how to create a powerful statement of your organization’s mission, vision and values?

These few pages (downloadable pdf) describe a framework that I’ve found helpful in my strategic planning work. While it is geared mainly toward non-profit organizations,

Age Differences in Decision Making Skills

A recent study confirms it again: older adults do well with decisions that require emotional skills.

Old age affects our decision-making skills in quite complex ways. Some cognitive skills decline with age,

Why is it such hard work to find your own niche?

Because until you fill it, it’s just a gap.

by Ursina Teuscher (PhD), at Teuscher Decision Coaching, Portland OR

Find your own niche

Numerical Skills for Financial Decisions

Relatively few people own private long-term care insurance, even though long-term care is one of the largest financial risks currently facing older people. A new study suggests that poor numerical skills may explain a part of that phenomenon: people with better numerical skills (even after controlling for education and cognitive function) are more likely to hold long-term care insurance.

Our New Article Is Published: Age Differences in the Overchoice Effect.

A holiday gift? Our new paper has been published:

Misuraca, R., Teuscher, U., & Faraci, P. (2015). Is more choice always worse?

Instead of a Book Recommendation

This month I’m recommending an article instead of a book, by Gigerenzer and his colleagues, who have been pioneers in advocating for statistical literacy:
Gigerenzer, G., Gaissmaier, W., Kurz-Milcke, E., Schwartz, L. M., & Woloshin, S. (2007). Helping Doctors and Patients Make Sense of Health Statistics.

Medical Decision: What Would You Do?

Medical Decisions: How to Judge Risks

Thanks for submitting your answer to the poll!

The question was: Would you get a cancer screening done if it reduced your chance of dying from this type of cancer by one third?

Featured Video: Raise Your Children As Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurial skills are not a part of traditional education, even though they are important if we want to empower more people to make an independent living in a world where not everyone can find a good job.

In this TED talk,

Poll Results: My Readers’ Guesses on Retirement Savings

Thanks to all of you who submitted your guesses on retirement decisions!

You can still access the poll, and read the original post.

We always hear that people are not saving enough money in this country,

Decision Trees Made Easy

Decision Tree for a 10-Year Old

This may well be the most unusual article I’ve ever come across in any peer-reviewed journal (it was published in an open access journal, so you can get the full text pdf here):


Help Me Test a New Coaching Tool

I’m looking for a few volunteers to test a new coaching tool that I might use in online coaching sessions.

I’ve recently discovered this collaborative brainstorming platform: Stormboard. It lets you organize virtual sticky notes on a shared screen.Since some of my favorite coaching methods involve sticky notes,

Savings and Retirement Decisions

How many Americans aged 30-54 believe they will not have enough money put away for retirement? According to the U.S. Census Bureau (retrieved from Statistic Brain Research Institute), as many as 80%.

Book and Video Recommendation: Skills Are More Important Than Passion

“Follow your passion” is a very commonly heard career advice, but Cal Newport argues it’s actually quite terrible as a guiding principle.

In his quest to figure out how people find great careers,

Infographic: Roadmap for Smarter Decisions

Do you like treasure maps?

I do. So I’ve created one on how to make smart decisions. You can download it directly as a two-page pfd:

Roadmap To Smart DecisionsHow to make better decisions - Summary


Book Recommendation: Strategic Decision Making

Craig W. Kirkwood (1997). Strategic Decision Making: Multiobjective Decision Analysis with Spreadsheets.

*** Geek Alert! ***

Skip this month’s book recommendation if you don’t like spreadsheets.

Do Reading and Writing Make you More Creative?

A study by Amber Y. Wang gives us reason to think so: students who spent more time reading and writing performed better on creativity tests.

The study only investigated the correlations however, so it can’t tell us what’s cause and what’s effect.
