
Are you facing a big decision in your career or personal life?
Do you want to make better daily choices to reach your goals? 

I’ll help you align your behaviors and habits with your values.

Your Big Decisions

I can guide you to make major career or personal decisions that shape your future, using my training as a career counselor and decision scientist. My clients enjoy the mix of deep listening, a structured process, and decision-aiding tools to explore and evaluate options. You’ll end with a clear, meaningful and practical choice.

Your Daily Choices

I can also help you make better everyday choices that align with your priorities. Drawing from neuroscience and applied psychology, I’ll help you develop your own ideal habits. Your most efficient habits will be congruent with your values and natural style, and therefore easiest to maintain. I’ll be excited to support you through this process, as you match your daily actions with your goals. 

Are you ready to align your life more with your values?

I’ll be happy to chat with you to answer any questions.

Schedule a 15 min phone call with Ursina Teuscher

Or, if you’re ready to start, you can schedule a session.

Book an online coaching session with Ursina Teuscher

 I look forward to meeting you!


Ursina Teuscher

  • PhD in Applied Psychology
  • Career Counseling License (MS) from Switzerland
  • Postdoctoral Research in Neuroscience and Behavioral Economics

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